The project is sponsored by the following institutions:
Bausch Stiftung
Andrea von Braun Stiftung
Aktion Kulturallianzen by Allianz Kulturstiftung & Agentur Roskos & Meier
Hatzfeldt Stiftung
Voelkel Naturkostsäfte
Laserline – the CO2 neutral printing shop
Ecologic Institute
EnergieWendeKunst is happy to cooperate with
Furthermore, many individuals support us with time and money. We particularly want to thank:
Wolfgang Immenhausen of Mutter Fourage
Magdalena & Friedrich von Bismarck – with the wonderful Luftraum
Jane A. Johnston & R. Andreas Kraemer
Michael Mehling
Prof. Michael Rodi
You want to donate? You find all necessary information here (link will be added soon).
For us it is important that this project is not influenced by vested interests in the field of energy policy. Therefore, we do not for example accept donations of power companies. At the same time, it is undisputed that such actors are important for the economy and modern life and they are and should continue to be part of the discourse.