Many have contributed to this project in diverse ways. The team is as eclectic as Berlin with individuals with different interests, professions, talents and of all ages.
Thanks to the team, who contributes with ideas, the experience of many years of working life and beautiful action to make this project possible, in particular:
Dr. Camilla Bausch (energy policy & art), Andrea Thilo (journalist, moderator, producer “Rythm is it”), Alex Voigt (business man), Coralie Anna Bausch (photographer), Max Junghanns (energy transformation network expert), Dr. Ulrich Karpenstein (lawyer), Swetlana Kibke (art historian), Susan Kühner (graphic designer), Marita Lersner (priest), Rebecca Raue (artist), Dr. Christina Bausch (philantropist), Dr. Dr. Thomas Bausch (founder & thinker), Dr. Vera Rodenhoff (environmental policy), Chiara Mazzetti (events manager), Lucy Smith (environment & art), Dr. Svante Wellershoff (IT & photography), Ulrike Doßmann (artist), Uwe Wilke (communicator), Katharina von Aretin (creative management advice), Jennifer Josenhans (language mediator), Inga Römer (climate & art), Dr. Maja Linke (artist)
We are grateful for the most valuable advise from many people, in particular:
For very valuable input and advice we thank: Manuel Rivera (scientist & artist), Wolfgang Immenhausen (gallery owner), Arne Jungjohann (energy transition expert), Sophie Vaubel (legal expert), Ilka Kaiser (great help), Dr. Ferdinand von Saint André (cultural catalyzer), Johannes Kraeter (fashion), Johannes Bausch (networker), Dr. Katja Gehne (legal expert on sustainability), Benjamin Mayer (lawyer), Jens Flosdorff (press officer), Anke Hervol (Academy of Art), Paul Hockenos (journalist), Marc Sinan (musician & communicator), Conrad Mahnkopf (student), Alexa von Salmuth (art catalyzer & more), Dr. Christiane Schmidt (art historian), Philip Hiersemenzel (communicator)
The idea and the initiative are coming from me, Camilla Bausch. This project is from the heart and a completely private and personal initiative. It draws on my value for and enjoyment of art and discourse on energy transformation and from the curiosity of what might arise from artists´ submissions. Professionally, I work on issues of climate and energy policy but this initiative has been created separately from my professional work and I intend to maintain that. EnergieWendeKunst has found a place under the umbrella of the Bausch Foundation.